What is BlackLove?
To me, it is actually very simple. BlackLove awakens the mind and opens the heart. For real. It makes you feel alive, protected, secure, capable. At least it does if it's good. BlackLove also makes you feel as though you have a responsibility to ride through storms, move forward in spite of crosses burning on a lawn, ignore the uncomfortable feeling of being the "only" in a room because there is something larger at stake. BlackLove, in its rawest form, allows the heart to breathe, be supported by the mind, and propelled forward by the body. BlackLove is amazing. I also find that BlackLove is incredibly disrespected, abused, misused and saddest of all, misunderstood. My working definition of BlackLove is akin to Don Spears definition of Goodp***y. For those unfamiliar with the book Goodp***y, here is my working definition of BlackLove:
BlackLove (yes,onewordsimplybecauseIamunabletoseparateonefromtheother)
is a force of nature that allows one to believe that:
moments do trump outcomes,
their dreams are their personal roadmaps to fulfillment,
desire, passion, perfection and the ability to worship
Creation through flesh is absolutely the purpose of good,
hot sex, and
Rainbows that span vanilla to onyx are indeed the
prettiest and most natural in the diaspora of
This blog will chronicle my experiences, my heartaches, triumphs, trials, questions, passions and journey to find my own manifestion of BlackLove in reality. This blog is intended to be interactive so I am hoping that you will comment and share some of your own experiences. I am also testing a theory, Mary Shelley, author of Frankenstein, said, "Do not be afraid to share your hopes and fears with the world, because we all have the same hopes and fears." Personally, I am tired of hearing people, men in particular say to me, "Yeah, but Piph, you are not the average chick. You can't count yourself in that." I thoroughly disagree. I know waayy too many beautiful, black women who are lonely and spending incredible amounts of money for temporary situations or distractions to ease the fact that yes, they will be facing another night during which the other side of the bed will be empty.
Marriage? Impossible for black women? Nope. I do think however, women have to change in order for men to change.
Polygymy/Polygyny? Whatever. I don't care if there are 7 available women to every 1 available man. I know what I'm not going for, I know what I don't want.
Good for the Gander, Good for the Goose? Maybe. Just as long as that is what the Goose really, really wants to do.
This is the place where we will explore those types of things, hopefully, extensively. Why? Because, all this good Brown Sugar is tooo dammnn good to waste and we all know, Sugar turns Black when you Burn it. WELCOME AND ENJOY!!!! (or maybe just rant....weep...lament...roll on the floor, pulling out your hair...whatever.)
ReplyDeleteYou are so right. There is nothing sweeter than Blacklove. I enjoy a good rest in the bed by myself. But, I dont think there is anything more beautiful than to wake up and move your body a litte. Then the man next to you, wakes, looks at you and smiles. It makes the troubles of the world seem so small.
ReplyDeleteI like being tangled up in the arms&legs of a lover watching a movie, smiling, rubbing, ponderin...
Affection! Passion! We all need it.