The best thing we can do is love our life. The way we show this love is by living the best life we are capable of. In the moments leading up to this one, I am realizing that I have done a mixed job of it. There have been wonderful moments of revelation and ecstasy, oh yes, ecstasy and there have been moments of absolute defeat and despair. In this, the despair has never been the primary cause of me doing anything simply because it was through the despair that I was able to figure out how I had either betrayed myself or allowed myself to be influenced by opinions other than my own. The Creator, if we allow It to, speaks with us on a continuous and regular basis. I have had a history of having a very direct link to this wonderful source of Energy, Inspiration, Protection and Witness that has only been blocked when I have allowed other sounds to ring more loudly than my own voice and the Voice. I have learned to Stop Begging.
When I speak of Begging, I am talking about exhibiting those behaviors that show the world that we do not find ourselves worthy of what we desire. It does not matter if the object of desire is a loved one, a job, a friendship, or admittance to an elite (perceived as) group, the issue is the same. Most often, we are working to prove that we deserve what we want. This is not necessary simply because, we exist. This existence alone comes with a certain entitlement, this because desire is the thing that brings more life. In The Science of Getting Rich by Wattle, desire is described as the fullness of more life. What moves the world, this life forward is our ability to stretch beyond what we think we are capable of. This yearning is what brings about advancement. The yearning, is where we truly find the depth of ourselves and the depth of Love. When we encounter blockages, sometimes it is because our desires have been overruled and the thing sought may very well indeed bring more trouble than joy and progress. The old teaching of forcing people to accept us does not in this day and time serve us. Begging will never bring respect from the people begged from. It sends a message that the Holder of the Desired Object has something that is inaccessible to the Beggar. This, in and of itself gives the Holder, Power over the Beggar. The problem with this is the Beggar will then make decisions from a place of panic, rather than a place of power. In this exchange, the Beggar will Never be successful, because the Holder will always be able to change the terms and conditions for obtaining the object sought. This does not serve Life and only wastes time, effort and energy. Wack. Rather than beg for recognition and acceptance, Understand the inherent worth one holds simply by the fact that they draw breath. THAT in and of ITSELF is a MIRACLE.
If you love living, you must prove it by the way you live. Are you being the Best Self Possible, shining your gifts upon the world, or are you Begging for permission to come from behind the clouds? Define the terms of your happiness, decide what brings you joy, determine what will keep you safe. As always, Know Your Grey
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