
SxLvTlk: Know Your Grey

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Character the Cornerstone of Change

It is always easy to say that the love we seek is doomed due to political, historical and other external "legacies". What is more difficult is the part that requires each person to adopt a personal stance of excellence. I know that there are not many who keep up with this blog. Perhaps because it is not crass, and blatantly sexual or perhaps because I just don't have that kind of juice. In any case, I do understand that it is a necessary service that I provide, simply because some one has to say, "Hey, there is a better way for us to do this and this is not what we come from."

I believe in love. I know that it is real. I do not believe that it is elusive. I believe that there are degrees and depending on what we are willing to do, we can have exactly what we want. The solution here, is also the challenge. I am not willing to negate all of the self-work I have done to be at the whim of another. I'm just not. I realize that I am probably not in style for a lot of men. A chick who thinks too much, is too opinionated and is just a gosh darn pain in the ass at times. It's true. I plead guilty to all charges. What I am however, is

a woman who understands power and wants to be able to share in the experience of self-actualization with another powerful being who wants to share in the experience of self-actualization.

In my growing up, I rarely took character into consideration when I made decisions.  I moved primarily on instincts and I usually fell victim to the holes in the yard that I failed to look down and acknowledge, much less see.  Since I have become a woman, I realize more and more that there is a reason for patience and there is a reason for process and if I want to be wise, I will pay attention to both of them and appreciate their presence in my life.  It has been three months since my birthday and the last 90 days has brought me incredible amounts of clarity.

On Friday, I sat down and took stock of myself.  I thought about the previous 90 days and thought about how I have been vibrating.  I have not been repeating patterns and I have been watching my own responses to situations and people.  I have been watching Energy. That which I send out, that which I receive, that which I attract.  In my watch, I have noticed I have a terrific tendency to move about in the world with a pleasantry and optimism that comes across to some people as gullible.  It is not until they sit down and speak with me, or until there has been a misunderstanding that people get clear that I am not gullible and that I require balance and equality in my interactions.  I have made a staunch declaration.   My focus certainly has been on Character and improving my own, as well as evaluating the level of character demonstrated by the people around me, but also on the kind of interactions I want, rather than the ones that I have had.  One of the strongest virtues is Forgiveness and this because being angry and resentful build a prison that can be difficult to get out of.  I am working on forgiving myself for the misdoings against my own best interest, committing (knowing or unknowingly) wrongs against others, and forgiving those who have wronged me.  Having this level of understanding will assist me in healing the fissures and cracks I have learned to crawl and find comfort in.  Having this level of understanding also gives me a say in how I move and what motivates me. It also allows me to introduce this me to people who have "been around" and it allows me to exercise the new muscles I've developed and determine how best to sculpt them to accentuate their power. It is Beautiful, a joy and a privilege. 

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