
SxLvTlk: Know Your Grey

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Leveling the Balance

Apologies for the late post, I've been updating this blog on Wednesdays and have been pretty consistent. This week I was kind of in shock at the act of Lashandra Armstrong, the 25 year old mother who drove her minivan into the Hudson River with her 10, 5, 2, year olds and 11 month old daughter in tow. My blood is still a bit thick behind that...May death bring her the peace she didn't find on this plane. To the souls of the children, I simply apologize.

SxLvTlk: Leveling the Balance of Unequal Yokes, held on April 9, 2011 was an eye-opener for me. Thank you to Ankti & Sobek for couching. Thanks to Wifey's Cuisine for the open buffet. Thanks to the participants, the regulars and those who were just, "checking out the scene." Some of the memorable moments for me were placed on the Word Wall and many of them were offered by the brothers:
"The attraction is so strong, you don't hear what's coming out of the person's mouth. "
"There is a constant power struggle between the man and woman. He is a hunter."
"Core values are shown, not told, check who he is and don't compromise your core."
"Women need to be decisive and keep guard of your heart."
"Know your non-negotiables." These statements surprised me because they seemed to be an admission of men stating they are adept at getting women to compromise themselves and sacrifice what they truly want in an effort to "catch" a man. They also seemed to be saying men WANT women to tell them , "No" and "I'm not going for that." While many women feel the moments bits of themselves begin to slip away, they don't stop the downward spiral until they are either run into the ground and are forced to concede defeat, or they continue for hope that one day things will turn around and "he" will realize how down for him they actually are. The brothers said, that, rarely happens.

Not to be discouraged however, they did offer some other tidbits:
"It's less about process and more about understanding."
"Ask yourself if you would die for them." and when things don't go well and a moment of clarity is reached, "Forgive yourself, that is the only way you will be able to forgive anyone else." This all to say, most of the times, we are very clear that some attractions have no other purpose than to delight our senses and during those moments of realization we should simply enjoy the experience and understand that We are the Gift we give to Others.

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